The topic of my speach is anorexia.
Anorexia nervosa is a psychological disorder caused by an unrealistic fear of
being fat, that leads to self-starvation. The name comes from two Latin words
that mean nervous inability to eat. The disorder may be fatal. About 20% of
people suffering from anorexia die.
That photo shows how anorectic girl sees her body.
Anorexia nervosa is often considered as modern problem,
but it was known over 300 years ago. It
isn’t truth that only teenage girls suffer from anorexia. Both women and men
may have anorexia nervosa. So it also occurs among adults. But I would like to focuse on teenages’ problem.
Girls on ‘pro-ana’ websites treat that fatal disease as a
friend and something to be proud of. They called themselves ‘butterflies’,
motivite, advice and show ‘inspiring photos’ like thes:
The question is ‘Why so many young, smart, beautiful girls
are suffering from anorexia?’.
They believe that to be happy and succesfull you have to be
slim, but this is fine line beetwen slim and skinny. Today, we can’t read the magazine, turn
on TV or even shop at a shoping mole
without facing size 0 trend. Actors, presenters and especially models can do
everything to look thin. Young girls follow the example.
On the other hand,
there may be some changes in DNA that make some people more vulnerable
to developing anorexia.So there are genetic causes of this diseas. In my
opinion combination of all these
factors makes peope prone to anorexia
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